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KC IRL 2000
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KC IRL 2000

Saturday, June 10, 2000

This event seemed destined to fail, since several people didn't make it due to one thing or another.  However it turned out very well, and I was glad that everybody made it who could!

We were expecting OcEaN to fly in from California on Wednesday, however she only made it as far as Denver.  Her plane had several problems, and she didn't feel comfortable flying on into Kansas City.  I don't blame her, I wouldn't either!!  But we missed you!!!  We missed all those who didn't make it, for one reason or another!!

HOSTMOMReba aka frogylady flew in from Florida on Thursday, despite her injured foot. She got off the plane on crutches, and hobbled all over Kansas City.

Friday we drove up to Stacy's. We had a feeling that we wouldn't get to see much of Stacy on Saturday, the main day, since her mom hasn't been well, and I knew frogy would want to see more of her than that, so we visited with her mom in the hospital for a bit then drove on up to her house.  A few pictures...

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Stacy's son Kirk and the newest addition, Maple aka waddles.
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Stacy, emex and frogylady.
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Stacy's sons Kevin and Kirk on left and right, with mine, Trina and Alex, in the middle.
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Stacy's son Kirk, and stacy wearing her new umbrella hat.


Saturday, the big day, turned out rainy, so once again we didn't make it to Deanna Rose Farmstead.  But we had fun simply chatting at my house most of the day.  SandyC came from Kirksville, MO, StyHmMom and her friend Tawnya drove down from Omaha, NE, Jacinda drove in from central Missouri, bradysmom came over from the other side of Kansas City, Michelle lives here in Olathe, frogylady flew in from Florida, and Starr_Mommie drove down from north of Kansas City.

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Starr_Mommie, SandyC, frogylady sitting at my puter
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Tawna, frogylady, SandyC, StyHmMom
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emex, frogylady, Jacinda
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Jacinda, Starr_Mommie
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Jacinda, Trina
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SandyC, frogylady

We had planned on going to the casino and eating at their buffet, however found that it would probably be too busy, so we ended up meeting Stacy at Golden Corral for dinner instead.  Poor frogylady, her third buffet on crutches in 3 days!  Then we went to the casino from there.

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stacy, Michelle and frogylady
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emex, Starr_Mommie, frogylady
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frogylady and her foot :)
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bradysmom before she lost it all :)
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stacy, trying to win some :)

Sunday frogylady and I did some last minute shopping at Target.  We had gone to Sam's Club on Thursday, and I had so wanted my camera... the pic tells all.

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